Good buildungs award 2010
Architecture at the Marta-Forum
14.10.2011 –
The BDA East-Westphalia Lippe (OWL) has granted its “good buildings award” for the fifth time. A total of 25 entries will now be presented in a touring exhibition.
The prize is aimed at developing public consciousness for quality in planning and building, and at setting quality standards in contemporary architecture. Of all the designs entered, the jury awarded three a “distinction” and one an “acknowledgement”. The “good buildings award” is a prize granted every three years which acknowledges the good collaboration between architects and building owners in OWL and thus their joint contribution towards the creation of outstanding works of architecture and municipal construction.
Thank you
Marta partners
Many thanks to the Marta Herford Corporate Partners and Corporate Premium Partners as well as the Marta Fund for New Art for their ongoing support of our program.